Wirral Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board
Wirral Safeguarding Adults Partnership board was re-established in July 2021, following the disbandment of the Merseyside Safeguarding Adults Board which ran for 4 years. The Board includes senior managers from local NHS, The Local Authority and Merseyside Police, alongside members from other emergency services, probation services and the voluntary sector.
Its primary responsibility is to ensure that adults in Wirral, who may be at risk, are able to live fulfilling lives, free from abuse and neglect.
One of the most important roles in the community is ensuring adults are safe from abuse, exploitation and harm. The Wirral Safeguarding Adult’s Partnership Board has a statutory responsibility to monitor and evaluate what is done by partner agencies individually and collectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults who live in Wirral
This website has been designed to support all those who live and work on the Wirral to ensure that they can live fulfilled lives free from abuse and neglect.
Are you worried about an adult?
If you have concerns that an adult at risk is being abused or neglected please follow the link