Wirral University Teaching Hospital Safeguarding Ambassadors Programme
The Safeguarding Team at Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) recognise that safeguarding is a crucial role for all the staff at the hospital and one that ensures that the most vulnerable patients, both children and adults, are protected from all types of harm, abuse and neglect. Their safeguarding umbrella is one that will protect both children and those adults, who may be at risk, including those who may have dementia, or a learning disability (see the previous post on the WUTH liaison team). Care is also taken to ensure the Mental Capacity Act is properly applied, together with protective measures for those who may be the victims of domestic abuse.
The safeguarding team at WUTH provide support, advice, education and training in all aspects of safeguarding for all hospital staff. The team aim is to prevent harm, exploitation, neglect and abuse, by working collaboratively with their safeguarding partners, including social care, healthcare and the police.
The establishment of a Safeguarding Ambassadors Programme was identified as a key objective for 2017/18, its aim is to offer further support, advice, training and education to a cohort of staff who would then be well equipped to spread their skills and knowledge to their colleagues in their own teams, wards and departments.
Safeguarding ambassadors are expected to complete a course, based on the NHS Intercollegiate Adult Safeguarding Document 2018 over a twelvemonth period, during which the candidates are expected to achieve a pass rate of 90%! Their work will be evaluated to ensure compliance the national guidelines at the conclusion of the course. Candidates are supplied with resource materials, such as suggested reading, published research and relevant websites.